view laterlinks2/ @ 60:9d3a95d80def

add laterlinks2
author paulo
date Fri, 18 Jul 2014 00:47:15 -0700
children 49ca145627cb
line source
1 import datetime
2 import cgi
3 import urlparse
4 import csv
5 import traceback
7 import html
10 DEBUG = True
11 STRTIME_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
12 MY_PIN = "qworpy"
15 class LLDialect(csv.Dialect):
16 delimiter = '\t'
17 quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE
18 lineterminator = '\n'
21 LLDIALECT = LLDialect()
22 LLDB_FN = "lldb.tsv"
23 LLDB_UNREAD_FN = "lldb_unread.tsv"
26 class LLError(Exception):
27 pass
29 class PinFailError(LLError):
30 def __str__(self):
31 return "PIN FAIL!"
33 class MissingFieldsError(LLError):
34 def __str__(self):
35 return "MISSING FIELD(s)!"
38 def lldb_unread_load():
39 return csv.reader(open(LLDB_UNREAD_FN), LLDIALECT)
42 def lldb_add(inp):
43 try:
44 title = inp["title"][0]
45 url = inp["url"][0]
46 except (KeyError, IndexError):
47 raise MissingFieldsError()
49 dt_str =
50 with open(LLDB_FN, 'a') as lldb_f:
51 csv.writer(lldb_f, LLDIALECT).writerow([title, url, dt_str])
52 with open(LLDB_UNREAD_FN, 'a') as lldb_f:
53 csv.writer(lldb_f, LLDIALECT).writerow([title, url, dt_str])
56 def lldb_unread_delete(inp):
57 try:
58 delete = inp["delete"]
59 except KeyError:
60 raise MissingFieldsError()
62 lldb_unread = [i for i in lldb_unread_load()]
63 lldb_unread_f = open(LLDB_UNREAD_FN, 'w')
66 try:
67 for i in delete:
68 for j in lldb_unread:
69 dt_str = j[2]
70 if i == dt_str:
71 lldb_unread.remove(j)
72 finally:
73 csv.writer(lldb_unread_f, LLDIALECT).writerows(lldb_unread)
74 lldb_unread_f.close()
78 def parse_wsgi_input(environ):
79 return urlparse.parse_qs(environ["wsgi.input"].read())
82 def get_pin(inp):
83 if "pin" not in inp:
84 raise PinFailError()
86 pin = inp["pin"][0]
87 if pin != MY_PIN:
88 raise PinFailError()
90 return pin
93 def main(environ):
94 pin = ''
95 is_post = (environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST")
96 inp = parse_wsgi_input(environ)
98 if is_post:
99 pin = get_pin(inp)
100 if inp["submit"][0] == "Add":
101 lldb_add(inp)
102 elif inp["submit"][0] == "Delete":
103 lldb_unread_delete(inp)
105 title = "later links..."
106 root = html.HTML("html")
108 header = root.header
109"stylesheet", type="text/css", href="index.css")
110 header.title(title)
112 body = root.body
113 body.h1(title)
116 if (DEBUG):
117 debug = body.pre
118 for i in environ.items():
119 debug += cgi.escape("%s = %s \n" % i)
121 debug += cgi.escape(" = %s" % inp)
123 form = body.form(action="index.fcgi", method="post")
125 table = form.table
126 hrow =
129"submit", name="submit", value="Delete")
131 for i in lldb_unread_load():
132 (title, url, dt_str) = (j.decode("utf-8") for j in i)
133 row =
134, href=url)
136"checkbox", name="delete", value=dt_str)
138 p1 = form.p
139 p1.label("Title").input(type="text", name="title", size="64")
141 p1.label("URL").input(type="text", name="url", size="64")
143 p1.input(type="submit", name="submit", value="Add")
145 p2 = form.p
146 p2.input(type="password", name="pin", value=pin)
148 return unicode(root).encode("utf-8")
151 def app(environ, start_response):
152 response_code = "500 Internal Server Error"
153 response_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
155 try:
156 response_body = main(environ)
157 response_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
158 except LLError as e:
159 response_body = str(e)
160 except:
161 response_body = traceback.format_exc()
163 response_headers = [
164 ("Content-Type", response_type),
165 ("Content-Length", str(len(response_body))),
166 ]
167 start_response(response_code, response_headers)
169 return [response_body]